The Actual Story of Fman122

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Little intro, yeah?

A'ight, let's throw the filler shite out the window. I'm fman122. Cool, innit? Yeah, I hacked Animal Jam. Then I got banned. But it was just an alt, so I didn't care and made a new one. Same shite happened. Don't care.

Btw, fman stands for fuckman. And 122 is the house my mum had me in. Shite place got condemned and it's torn down now.

You wanna hear 'bout my life, mate?

The name's Ketamine, but everyone calls me Ket.

No, really, that's my real name. My mum is an addict. My dad was too and he was also her dealer and a part-time burglar. What's he now, you ask? The old bastard's a stain on the tracks. A train hit him while he was sellin'. SPLAT!

Anyway, I've also got a brother. His name's Adderall, but everyone calls him Adder 'cause that's a fookin' badarse snake. He's my best mate. He helped me with hackin' AJ and taught me how to do it. Bloke's at Uni now, but he's a blackhat on the side. Don't even try to find him. He uses a fake name at Uni.

And me? Blackhat. Full-time. Don't think yah can find me. Cops don't think girls can do this shite.

Why the fook did I hack AJ?

Why the fook not? I was bored and I was on that game. Adder was bored too and I wanted him to teach me how to hack. Two birds with one stone, mate.
It was my first hack. I was like 14 or 15, I think.

That's it.

So yeah, that's the true, actual story of fman122. I'm not a bully, monster, ghost, demon, serial killer, wendigo, rogue computer program, or what have yah. I'm just a random person who hacked a game for shits and giggles.

Also, I'm not a fookin' wolf. That was just my shite AJ character.

So anyway, see yah never, unless you're some old nonce I'm paid to wreak havoc on.